Originally Posted by MeyerLansky
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Don't fall for the false narrative the Dems are spinning about Roe v Wade being overturned. First of all, I'm VERY skeptical at what was leaked as NOTHING ever gets leaked by SCOTUS. However, even if it were true, this is just another distraction in a desperate attempt for the Democrats to get votes in November because they have done nothing but run this country into the ground! They need the votes and this is just the issue to get voters to the polls to vote blue. Also, the opinion doesn't make abortion illegal but rather allows each state to decide what they want to do, so there's that. California and New York and rolling back restrictions whereas Texas and others are clamping down. So please don't buy the BS about how abortion will become illegal. If you live in a blue state, you'll be fine. If you live in a red state, hop on a bus or plane to the closest blue state. End of story. Finally, and I pray to God I'm wrong about this, but I could VERY easily see the White House use this as a reason to pack the Supreme Court because if Democrats can't get their way the right way, they just rig the rules in their favor.

I hope you are right buddy
Cause this bullshit abortion ban law is fucked up

Here are Legal scholars Mary Ziegler and Conservative Legal Scholar Ed Whelan discussing their differing views on the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, the future of abortion law in America, and what this expected ruling could mean for other cases, on PBS's Firing Line, with Margaret Hoover. 5/13/2022

"It's nothing personal, Sonny....... It's strictly business."