Clemenza promising the Rosato brothers three territories in the Bronx after he died, is a mystery and was rightly disputed by Pentangeli
Clemenza promised them nothing He hated those son of a bitches more than I do
Why would Clemenza make such a promise? What did Clemenza owe the Rosatos?
Besides these territories are not his? as they would be owned by the Corleones yet Michael didn't seem fazed

Whilst I am sort of trying to understand! the Rosatos' C-note insult to Pentangeli, perhaps rubbing Pentangeli laying down to them, in his face, I am somewhat puzzled now as to why the Rosatos tried to kill Pentangeli?

Ola asked Fredo during his late night phone call
Pentengeli says he's willing to make the deal [hand over those territories?]
All we want to know is if he's on the level or if he's gonna bring his boys....
This doesn't sound like Roth / Ola instructed the Rosatos to kill Pentangeli?