Originally Posted by Lana
Originally Posted by Turnbull
Here is a timeline I put together for Michael's sojourn in Sicily *based on the novel. Trying to put together a coherent timeline for anything in the movies is impossible No kidding!
Michael in Sicily: how long?
*Such an extensive, well researched, informative thread indeed Turnbull you'd outdone yourself!

It seems the only dates clear and consistent as could be, are -
  • the Killing of Sollozzo and McCluskey and Michael fleeing to Sicily was in January 1946
  • Anthony was born in 1952
  • Baptism murders were in 1955
  • Anthony's communion party was in 1958 which makes Michael wooing Kay in New Hampshire 1951 due to Kay telling Michael:
It made me think of what you once told me - "in five years the Corleone Family will be completely legitimate"
That was seven years ago

So Michael's Sicilian exile was around three years? and Michael returned to America in 1949?
Going by Michael's own words “I've been back a year. Longer than that, I think.” Then again, what is longer than a year....?!

It seems with Sonny's killing, things loosened up and the Corleones were successful “pretending that they were "weak" and ready to be knocked over” - by doing nothing when Barzini's people tested the Corleones by chiselling Tessio's territory - until the Baptism murders! ie: 1946 to 1955 nine years!!
Originally Posted by Turnbull
I emphasized (by italics) that my timeline was *based on the novel, not the movies. GFII makes it impossible to construct even a tentative timeline for Michael's Sicilian sojourn because nothing in II (except for some of Vito's young years) is in the novel.

Maybe I am misunderstanding? For clarity please I understood yours is *based on the novel Mine the movies Tongue-in-cheek!
eg: among others my No kidding! - that's [coherent timeline in the movies] an impossibility....