Editorial board
April 18, 2022 11:47 am

Rain of anti-mafia arrests in the Foggia area: over 200 'High Impact' arrests in the first 100 days
Hundreds of law enforcement officers belonging to the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, have searched the province of the 'Fourth Mafia'

17 operations and 202 arrests: this is the balance of the first 100 days of the articulated 'High Impact' prevention device strongly desired by the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese through the use of numerous special and reinforcement departments sent to the Capitanata by the ministry of the Interior to strengthen territorial control and crime fighting services.

"There will be the presence of departments framed for high-impact operations that will be done constantly" he announced on January 15 on the sidelines of the committee for public order and safety held in the offices of the Foggia Prefecture in the presence of the Chief of Police Lamberto Giannini, the general commanders of the carabinieri and the financial police, the national anti-mafia prosecutor Federico Cafiero De Raho, the extraordinary commissioner for the coordination of anti-racket and anti-usury initiatives Giovanna Cagliostro and the heads of the local prosecutor and the anti-mafia district management of Bari.

Arriving in Foggia after the seven bomb attacks of the first eleven days of 2022, the number one of the Interior Ministry had emphasized the concern on the part of organized crime but at the same time the presumption of thinking they are strong and demonstrating it through the noise of the bombs.

Hundreds of law enforcement officers belonging to the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, thus began to sift the length and breadth of the province of the 'Fourth Mafia', enemy number one of the state and first in Italy for extortion offenses.

However, the first operation in response to the resurgence of intimidating acts for extortion purposes carried out in the first days of the year to the detriment of commercial operators in Foggia and San Severo, under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office, was taken at the first light of dawn on 15 January.

Another 16 will follow. That of 21 January in the capital of Dauno and in the city of the Alto Tavoliere for a total of five arrests; of January 26 in San Severo and Monte Sant'Angelo (three arrests), of January 27 (eight subjects arrested). And again: 14 arrests on 3 February, another 14 on 6 of the same month, 12 arrests on 12 and 14 on 15, again in February. Ten arrests on the 18th, fifteen on the 25th.

Rain of precautionary measures also in March: sixty in all in four operations. There are three 'High Impact' operations in April: 43 people arrested.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"