I think Mama also “never called Santino Sonny, always Santino”

Vito and Michael would have planned the Baptism murders together though the individual assassins would have come up with their own murder plans

  • Neri for Barzini
Barzini could have got away!
Barzini ran up, almost to the top of the steps and could have managed to run inside the building if Neri's first shot with his pistol, had missed Barzini

  • Clemenza for Strachi
Clemenza seemed spent! climbing up five flights of stairs
It seems Clemenza fired only twice into the elevator with his rifle so perhaps the elevator operator was spared if he did not die of fright

  • Rocco for Tattaglia
Why the overkill for the elderly Tattaglia and his working girl, in bed
Two assassins with machine guns perhaps a throw back to Sonny's killing

  • Cicci for Cuneo
What if Cuneo was not the last person exiting
It seems Cicci fired four times compared to Neri killing Barzini's bodyguard and the driver, with single shots

  • ? for Greene
Where was Greene's bodyguard? There was enough time as the killer politely! waited until Greene puts on his spectacles