When Massino was arrested in 2004 he was over heard on wire tap saying something to the effect of they dont know about what we have up north.

After Gorgeous was appointed by Massino, and Massino flipped I think in 2005

Rizzutto sent a message that was not taking orders from anyone that Massino appointed because Massino was a Rat

That two point to the likely fact that up until that point Canada was still paying some tribute to NY

If Rizzutto totally broke away after Scisia which was in 1999
Why would Massino be talking about them in 2005

And again why would Rizzutto send that message?

To re-break away??
Makes no sense...

I believe they pulled away after Scisia was hit,
Canada no longer had a representative in N.Y. crew
Sciscia represented the Canada crew, he was physically in N.Y.C. however, was part of the crew in Canada.

I am sure he was bringing in Big Money at the time.

I am sure the tribute was probably a bull shit token.
Thats why Massino sent a few of his guys over to Canada to open up that line.

That never happened.

As I said they probably just sent a small token nothing to speak about.

After Massino filpped that was probably the end of it.

That was part of the reason why Sal was going after the Rizzutto's