The murder of Sacha and BM seem to be organized crime.
Sacha and BM were working with the Scoppa brothers. So I guess the same people who murdered tjr Scoppa are the same who murdered Sacha and BM.

***Sacha was a known rapper from the late 90s early 2000s in the montreal rap scene.
BM amd Sacha were bloods.

The case of Nitchell could be street gang or Organized crime related. During the time of his death. Many homicides and attempted murder were happening in the momtreal region between different street gangs. So it could be street gang related.
But also, it could be organized crime related, because Nitchell was working for Gregory Woolley. Months before another associate of Woolley was murdered in mtl north. So it could be a hit in the war between Woolley/Rizzuto/Sollecito vs the Scoppas/Mompoint.
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The death of jean-baptiste is probably a street gang war. People in mtl are talking and many think its one of the casualities between street gangs