Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Lana

I believe Michael still had the “destiny” of a life away from Mafia on his return from Sicily as Michael was cleared of all these 'false' charges of killing McCluskey and Sollozzo if Vito hadn't dragged Michael deeper into criminal life

Certainly Michael had choices not to be a criminal at each stage of his life.I started a thread on that subject:


But, he chose the criminal path each time. His destiny? Maybe...

It was Vito who chose the criminal path for him, with the added burden of trying to make decades old Mafia business legitimate

Vito could have cut their losses and walked away from Mafia, leaving Clemenza and Tessio in charge but he didn't because he wanted, needed the Corleone family reputation, standing, history etc. to be restored, leaving a murderous legacy for Michael

Once Michael took over, it was not easy just to walk away Kill or be Killed
No one is going to give him a pass and let him off because at some stage, he chose not to employ criminal tactics, for protection from the horrors of their Dog-eat-Dog world, no longer

What choices he had not to be a criminal at any stage of his life?