I was hoping you'd chime in, Lou. I also saw it says Richter took over by force. Did you ever hear any details on that?

I heard there are some Pagans in Arizona now. If that's true it could kind of be their test run for California. Now that barger went back to California there is some speculation everybody is going to open up shop there and 81 will lose their grip on the state. Arizona, that is.

One thing that has surprised me over the years is how it sounds like since the 80s the Bandidos were the true overall powerhouse, but they stayed below the radar. They were apparently the ones back in the 80s (I think) that called 81 and the Outlaws together to establish some territory lines to curb problems. And neither club pushed back against them.

Also I'm sure I saw a story once that George Wegers son got roughed up in Sturgis one year by some Angels and Weger and crew went to the Angels and he basically picked Barger up off the ground by his collar in front of everyone and they took it.