Ruggiero Boiardo, better known as "Richie the Boot" or "Diamond Richie" from Northern New Jersey was, without a doubt, one of the most depraved sick motherfuckers to ever operate in the American underworld. This is a man who killed for the pleasure of killing. A man who didn't murder in the more traditional sense of "gangland-style" executions such as by a gun, knife, or garrote, but who took glee and got a sick macabre sense of pleasure out of torturing his victims and watching them suffer.

It was well known even among members of the underworld that Boiardo would trap his prey by knocking down into a large deep hole and then douse his victims in gasoline and set them ablaze in a makeshift pit he kept in the back of his residential property for this very purpose. Another time he ordered his men to lock a victim in the trunk of a car and then set the car on fire, trapping the man inside so he'd burn to death while they watched and laughed.

This is sick, sick shit. Stuff that even men ordered to kill would never even think to do.

Remember that most guys who have been ordered to kill do so at the order of their superiors are usually repulsed by such depraved behavior as described above. Most fellas don't relish taking a life, but do so because they are obligated by their "oath" and so blindly follow orders under pain of death themselves.

But Boiardo and some of his Jersey crew was next level for sure.

And of course we all know about the absolutely degenerate behavior and depraved "satanic" styled behavior of Roy Demeo and his lot who gutted and dismembered their many victims like sheep led to the slaughter.

IMO, these types of men who do this sort of thing have no place in the mob. These depraved demented fucks (who are no better than serial killers) should be "put down" like the rabid amimals they truly were. Smarter guys should have called a spade a spade and weeded these fucks out. (in truth these types of guys never should have even been embraced in the first place).