Originally Posted by Lana
Fredo/Roth conspiracy
Thanks Turnbull I remember this thread from the old days!

Michael & Roth's casinos
As we discussed, we are none the wiser as to how Fredo, last sighted walking in a daze amongst the rebel uprising chaos, got out of Havana let alone how Fredo would know that Roth had a stroke, was brought out of Havana on a private boat and is in a Miami hospital

Let's go through this step by step:
1. Fredo's fatal gaffe at the Superman show told Michael that Fredo was the traitor, in cahoots with Roth and Ola.
2. Michael, from his car, shouted at Fredo, stumbling through the street, "It's [his plane] the only way out of here tonight." But, we see a bunch of gringos running for their boats at the marina.
3. When Tom meets with Michael in Vegas, he tells Michael that Roth had a stroke, recovered, got out in a boat, bodyguard's dead. Michael asks about Fredo, Tom says he's in NY.
4. How did Tom know that Fredo was in NY? Fredo called him--and told him about Roth and the bodyguard. How did Fredo know about Roth and the bodyguard--and how did he get out of Havana and then to NY? Because he was on the boat with Roth.
5. Michael figures that out right away. That's why he tells Tom, "Get word to Fredo, tell him I know Roth misled him..."

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.