If John Palazzolo remains the Bonanno acting boss it's possible he's the official underboss too. Mancuso made Cammarano the official underboss after the family elected him acting boss in 2015, so it's possible Palazzolo also holds the two positions (or if he has been replaced then whoever currently holds the acting boss title - maybe someone like John Spirito). Vincent Badalamenti is possibly consigliere. As LCNBios pointed out, it seems as though Mancuso loyalists recognised Badalamenti as consigliere while Cammarano's guys recognised Zancocchio. A source from Brooklyn told Gang Land that Badalamenti had recently been made "number three" in 2009. Joe Bosch told Peter Lovaglio that Badalamenti was the consigliere, though there's obviously the whole musical consiglieri thing going on during the past 10 years.