Originally Posted by LuanKuci
So that means I’m the last full-blooded Italian-American in the country? Oh my! WOW!
I should get official government recognition and protection…with a pension and all…

Jokes aside,

Implying that “there aren’t full-blooded Italians anymore” is just false.
Demographically-speaking. Especially in the North East.

Implying that “all” wiseguys are mixed-blood is also false.
Some were, and some certainly are, but it’s not the absolute normality.

Always avoid absolutes.

What I would say is that before some wiseguys wasnt made because wasn't full blooded like Salemme in Boston because is half irish. In the 1980s Scarpa jr was made despite half italian,so today happens that wiseguys made sons with non italian women. For sure exist the full blooded italians OUTSITE the mob families but that today is enought an italian surname and to be a moneymaker.