Willie Cicci was so blasé about breaking Omertà

Cicci caused a fair degree of damage to Michael's standing, certainly dented his “legitimacy” even though Cicci said he never talked to Michael ie: Cicci got no direct orders from Michael - that too only because Cicci's lawyer shakes his head for Cicci to say no!

among others -
  • Cicci was an employee of Genco Olive Oil Company, front for The Corleone crime organization, called The Corleone Family
  • Cicci in actuality was a soldier / button who killed people at the behest of his superiors
  • Cicci named Michael as the Head of The Corleone Family
  • Cicci testified Michael was personally responsible for the murders of New York City police Caption McCluskey and Sollozzo
  • Cicci stated the Family had a lot of buffers ie: between Michael and the people who gave the actual kill orders

Was it also Cicci who revealed the following -
  • Michael devised the murder of the heads of the so-called five families in New York
  • Michael has a controlling interest in three of the major hotels in Las Vegas
  • Michael has interests or control over gambling or narcotics in New York