Tom Hardy is back as Eddie Brock/Venom. Picking up where the mid credit scene left off in the original, serial killer Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) asks Eddie back so he can give him the exclusive interview every media member has been salivating to get: Kasady opening up about his murders. However, before doing so, he asks Eddie to print something for him in his column that only his love interest Frances Barrison (Naomie Harris) will understand. Once Eddie does and during their interview, Cletus begins mouthing off at Eddie before biting him, transferring some of his blood and thus enabling Cletus to become Carnage. I was a fan of the original, and while this is in many ways in the same vein as it, it doesn't capture the same magic. The banter between Eddie and Venom is still there and I applaud the Axel Foley wardrobe Eddie's rocking throughout. However, being that it's PG-13, the films violent parts are watered down which was disappointing and somewhat took away from the story. Not to mention both Naomi Harris and Eddie's love interest Michelle Williams are sorely underutilized in this, especially Williams who is ever only needed onscreen to help Eddie it seems. Harris' character of Shriek is almost laughable at times with her powers. The only star of the show is Harrelson who does a fantastic job, living it up as the villain in an almost Mickey Knox sort of way. If you liked the original, you'll probably like this (and if you didn't, you probably won't). I'd still see a third film to see if it can redeem the franchise. Great mid credit scene here by the way so stick around for it! 5.5/10