Utrecht will work with ex-criminals to prevent young people from entering the drug environment. This is part of an integrated plan to fight drug crime in the city. From the police, the Public Prosecution Service, the Probation Service to Rabobank and housing associations are participating in this effort.

Utrecht is a hub in the international drug trade. About fifty criminal networks are active in the city and 150 in the region. "Utrecht proposes a reinforced approach to counteract further disruptive efforts of drug crime," said mayor Sharon Dijksma in a letter to the city council on Thursday.

In addition to the prevention of crime, an important element of the approach is aimed at young people who already have one foot in crime and who are at risk of further growth. Utrecht wants to try to keep them on the right track. The municipality will do this by using credible messengers. They are people who got out of crime themselves. They have the authority to help young people make different choices in order to stop the "breeding ground for criminal organizations"

"The king is dead, long live the king!"