Originally Posted by The Last Woltz
Originally Posted by JCrusher
Plus the Rosatos are still on the loose and we are never given an explanation on how that is resolved or if Mike even cares at that point

That's a good observation.

The Rosatos were involved in a public shootout with police. Hard to imagine they are still on the loose.

I always assumed that they were swept up along with Cicci and Frankie but, you're right, that was left unresolved
I also would say it is a given Michael would have wiped out all his enemies they be Fabrizio, Cicci, Rosato brothers “whether we are given an explanation or not”

If the Rosato brothers “were [not] swept up along with Cicci and Frankie” after their “public shootout with police“ and are “still on the loose” Michael would have resolved it by making the Rosato Brothers answer for these troubles with Frankie