"The basic Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) organizational structure is based on cliques (clicas; i.e., nodal clusters) with over 400 of these network clusters now existing. Cliques typically range in size from 10 to 100 individuals with geographic variations evident. "
"The LA cliques are organized with a primera palabra and segunda palabra (first and second word) sharing the clique’s command function and supported by a treasurer and liaison to La Eme. "
"In some areas of the country, MS-13 cliques are more organized, and several operate as part of a larger “program.” In some instances, in “places where the MS13 is very organized, such as Los Angeles and El Salvador,”"

I feel like Hispanic street gangs are a lot more organized in CA than on the east coast. People say that the mafia and gangs are apples and oranges, well yes and no, organized crime is indeed different from regular gang cultures, organized crime rely on industrialization of local economy and is essentially a modern phenomenon, gangs on the other hand are bandits, no different from the outlaws who loot villages and kill people in the pre-modern time, but they also evolve and some of them eventually become organized crime groups similar to the mafia. That`s why you can`t say all gangs are simple-minded killers nor can you say they are all organized enterprises. The Italians before the prohibition era were also street-level thugs, but they evolve based on the environment and criminal opportunities. The cartels today are still recruiting street gangs in Mexico into their ranks therefore transforming them into Sicarios, it happens all the time when profit for organized crime is large gangs will be drawn to participate.