Originally Posted by mustachepete
Yes. Also, Michael's carefully cultivated reputation as a businessman is opened to scrutiny by the Congressional hearings. Despite what we see in GF3 the sort of publicity driven by the hearings is something Michael would never be able to shake off
I doubt Michael would ever “be able to shake off” his evil, ruthless, murderous Mafia past but I agree Pete the “scrutiny by the Congressional hearings” wouldn't have helped

Everybody undoubtedly knew who Michael really was that Michael came to Nevada masquerading as 'legitimate' decent businessman - in his oily hair, dressed up in those silk suits - for 'legitimate' gambling business after consolidating his nefarious power in New York

Originally Posted by mustachepete
To take this back one more step, we also know Barzini was encouraging Moe into confrontation with the Corleones. So Moe gets whacked, Roth is enraged at Michael, and from the grave Barzini sees what he likes best: two of his rivals clawing at each other
A couple of side questions! please
So when he [Greene] turned up dead, I [Roth] let it go and I said to myself, this is the business we've chosen
  • Would Roth have let Michael whacking Moe Greene go?
If Michael hadn't been chiselling into Roth's empire eg: moving Klingman out and taking over the Hotel part owned by Roth [with Roth's blessing!]

How'd Michael know it was Roth?
Originally Posted by Lana
As regards Havana, I believe Michael understood that whilst Michael was Roth's successor, the heir apparent, Roth was always going “to hold onto his Havana empire” until Roth's retirement or death and at the time, Michael would inherit Roth's interests in the Havana operation

  • How was Roth, Barzini's rival?
1. Didn't seem Barzini and Roth ever crossed paths?
2. Do you mean Barzini likes best when Barzini's arch-rival the 'mighty' Corleones being clawed?

  • What would Vito see from his grave?!
Thanks! Pop for leaving a murderous legacy for “I never wanted this for you” son