My take, for what it is worth!

There were no winners as in the end -
1. both Michael and Roth were beaten
2. the cost to both Michael and Roth was tremendous
3. both Michael and Roth lost everything

As Michael said
Panama won't take him [Roth] -- not for a million -- not for ten million
  • Roth wanted “to live in Israel as a Jew in the twilight of his life” but the High Court of Israel ruled otherwise and kicked him out of Israel
  • Roth was stateless unable to secure refuge in any country for any cash gift
  • Roth was forced to return to America where the Police was waiting at the Airport to take Roth into custody which presented Michael with the opportunity to kill Roth
  • Roth lost his “carefully cultivated reputation” as a retired investor on a pension and opened to scrutiny about his worth over $300 million dollars

It seems Roth's wife Marcia was not at the Airport with her husband when Roth returned from Israel to America? unsure whether -
  • Marcia was allowed / opted to stay on, in Israel or
  • Marcia was given an absentee ballot! to vote in the Presidential elections or
  • Roth lost Marcia when Marcia found out / realised what her husband and “Mr Paul's” business was

Sure thing lucab19 “It was a classic Pyrrhic victory for Michael” My take, for Roth as well

This ludicrous no win situation - whereas both Michael and Roth could have lived happily for a hundred years!
It was Roth who broke the peace resulting in both Michael and Roth paying dearly

Anybody kinda rooting for Roth to beat Mike?
Originally Posted by Turnbull
On the other hand, Michael, who could have used violence or murder against Roth, didn't--he was negotiating for the Havana properties. Roth, on the other hand, set up the machine gun attack at Tahoe, and didn't care if Kay was killed in the attack. Moral of story: No honor among thieves