Originally Posted by Turnbull
Years ago, an alert poster spotted the Senate lawyer Questadt sitting behind Roth in the scene where Cuban President Batista is greeting the gringo businessmen. What was he doing there? If Michael had seen him there, he'd have taken the Fifth at the later Senate hearing
Mr Turnbull could you, uh -- amplify your answer a bit? Thanks

Michael attended the Senate hearing with his carefully planned strategy to -
[granted being totally in the dark about Pentangeli is alive, Questadt belonging to Roth Still...]

1. not taking the Fifth amendment
2. lying under oath denying all the nefarious charges against him
3. committing perjury
4. showing he has nothing to hide, nothing that would incriminate him
5. reading his prepared statement extolling his virtues!

Then Tom's gloating
Sir, my client has answered every question asked by this committee with utmost sincerity
He has not taken the Fifth amendment as it was his right to do. So in all fairness I think the statement should be heard

If Michael takes the Fifth all his carefully planned strategy out the window, no response because of self-incrimination, legitimacy shot to pieces and a lot more!