I’m not going to lie, I read and even enjoy some of your articles but the way you toot your own horn about great it is, you need to do better research. For instance you say Mike Casale died relatively young by his late sixties, early seventies. With two minutes of research I was able to find that he died of a heart attack while walking in the park in 1974. It took me two minutes. I would suggest focusing and researching better rather trying to pump out a lot of stuff. Quality vs quantity.

Also you talk about growing up with these guys and even said on black hand that you have personal photos of some of them. You haven’t posted any and none of your articles suggest an insiders point of view like you say you have.

If that’s not true then why say it? For credibility? It’s okay to admit your just a researcher who doesn’t have first hand knowledge of these guys. Most people don’t.

So I would suggest better research and not exxagerating your connections to these guys. Maybe you have the connections, but there’s been no proof and while you don’t have to prove it to me I can question it since you’ve never backed up these claims with evidence. On black hand the more people questioned you, the more defensive you got and the stories got even more embellished. You expected people to just take you at your word and that’s not how it works when you say the stuff you say like knowing and being friends with Joe Beck DiPalermo. Anyone can say that but without something to back it up you just sound like your telling tall tales. Understand what I mean?

Last edited by Raven; 07/04/21 11:01 AM.