Originally Posted by lucab19
Originally Posted by Lou_Para
No question that Fredo ,at the very least opened the drapes.

However,the one theory that I can't quite swallow is that Fredo killed the assassins on his own.

Could weak,stupid,and bumbling Fredo (remember the scene where Vito was shot,and he dropped his gun) have gotten the drop on two professional killers ?

So for me,the bottom line is that Fredo had to have at least one other person in on the plot. Maybe Rocco,maybe one of Fredo's crew,hell maybe even Fredo's wife( that little farce she played after the shooting could nave actually fooled a Corleone)

As far as Rocco being sent on a deliberate suicide mission,remember that Tom was against the hit on Roth. Mike says that "if history has taught us anything it's that you can kill anyone" Mike then turns to Rocco who replies "difficult,not impossible". It's almost as if Rocco wants to one-up Tom,and impress Mike. I wonder what would have happened if Rocco would have said "Tom's right Mike, with all the heat on Roth it's too risky.We can always use our connections and our people to get to him in jail.

I think Rocco was too stupid to keep his ego in check.

As I wrote, it's a real failure in the plot construction. Surely Coppola recognised the massive hole?

How's it a hole though?

Fredo is established has having a crew, even if they're of Mickey Mouse guys. Maybe Fredo really did know SOMETHING was gonna happen - maybe, say, a kidnapping, rather than a hit. He has his guys make sure the assassins get access to the Tahoe compound. When he realizes he was duped and it's a hit, he has his guys do the would-be assassins in to protect his own ass.

Fredo is revealed as the traitor, so I mean, he's the only one with motive to have the assassins knocked off.