Originally Posted by SimonChen
Outside of Calabria itself, which other regions of Italy have heavy Ndrangheta presence? I know they have operations in many cities but not sure if they have branches/territories outside their Clabarian hometown. If so do the cells operate independently from Calabria or are they usually affiliated with a certain Ndrina? thanks.

In Italy they all answer to Calabria. 'Ndrangheta is only criminal organization that is present on every continent, they are extremely powerful in Canada & Australia. They also have strong presence in Germany and Switzerland. In Germany they gained a lot of heat after Duisburg massacre.

'Ndrangheta has biggest presence in Rome, they are very powerful there , Sicilians also have huge presence in Rome , one of most powerful organized crime figures in Rome is Sicilian , Giovanni "The Billionaire" De Carlo.

"A fish with his mouth closed never get's caught"