Originally Posted by Hollander
Somebody talked about that guy Gallo he def is a player in Hamilton.

Who talked about this guy? What have they been saying about him? 🐀 instead of Pino Avignone?


IMO and from conversations I’ve had, there is no way that Avignon set up Fat Pat, didn’t Pino get shot that day, with the bodyguard?

Where was Gallo?
Surviving a mob war, and having the Don targeted twice on insider knowledge, would imply more than meets the eye.

How tight were Gallo and Giorgio Baressi, both seem to be tied to the Musitanos? What about his relationships with the Luppinos, Violis and Iavarones?

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 06/19/21 10:02 AM. Reason: Grammar

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.