Originally Posted by DillyDolly
Can anyone please explain to me why mobsters of today dress like such slobs and hobos? I mean, you don't have to wear $7,000 suits to look dapper, you can even look fresh in designer jeans and t-shirts. But generally speaking, many mobsters today look like complete slobs in baggy sweatpants and shorts with wife beaters and flip-flops. I'm a firm believer that how you dress determines if those you interact with and do business with take you seriously or not. I mean, what politician or big businessman is going to break bread with some fat fuck in a sweat suit? Vito Rizzuto is probably the most modern example of a Mafioso who could sit down with people from all layers of society, but man! He was dapper.

Some of yous guys really live in fantasyland about what the life is really like. Or at least what it has been like since I’ve been old enough to remember.