Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Silvio had the pulse of most of the family. Christopher was still a new member, and had problems with drugs, at his intervention, Dante told one of those episodes from the Bada Bing, and Dante considered him still green. Patsy was a veteran soldier who was solid all around and earned his status in the mob, which made him more respectable in the eyes of the soldiers in the family. Silvio was Tony's advisor, but there were a few times Tony ignored Dante's advice, such as the Ralphie and Jackie Jr situation. Silvio knew of Tony's nepotism, and when Tony picked his nephew to be acting capo over the Soprano crew, Silvio did not like that arrangement and knew many of the other members in the family would resent that. The construct site, the Mexican floor tiles, Silvio backed Patsy's move, cause he was angry at Tony and also to let the other members know he will have their backs on reasonable matters. The site was off limits, but the soldiers needed to keep earning and making themselves some extra cash. Something that is Ironic is near the end in the final episode of the series, the Aprile crew needed a capo, and Tony asked Paulie who did not want it, until Tony said maybe he'll put Patsy over it, which made Paulie reconsider. Silvio was in a coma, and Tony did not have his most trusted guys with him anymore, except for Paulie, and Patsy, and it kind of seemed like Tony was saying you know what I messed up, Patsy should have been upped long ago. That's what I took from the interactions.

I agree with you
Great writing giacomo
Thank you !