The Rizzutos have a firm grip on Montreal. Stefano Sollecito is the boss, Leonardo Rizzuto is Underboss, Frank Arcadi is Consigliere, Capos are Frank Del Balso, Giuseppe Focarazzo, and an unknown capo possibly Pietro D'Adamo. The group also has strong alliances with Salvatore Cazzetta, Martin Robert, Salvatore Brunetti, Mario Brouillette, and Stephane Plouffe. I know I am forget some others but that lineup is enough to discourage any attempt made at the Rizzutos. Vittorio Mirarchi had a meeting with Sollecito and Frank Del Balso after the Scoppa brothers were killed, and is said to have reached an agreement. I would not be surprised if Desjardin is killed later on and Mirarchi is involved in it. Desjardin best stay out of Sicily. The Montreal scene is already calm, and business has been picking up since spring of 2020.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green