There is no evidence of the bonannos having an interest in the sports book out of MTL/ Toronto. 2 large investigations in 2013 and 2019 found no proof of that.
However they did show connections b/ HA and figliomeni family and ties to MTL.
I don't understand the need of some posters on this forum to find proof of Bonanno involvement in MTL. It had no operations or connections in Canada from 1999-2017.
The only evidence of any loose tie was project o tremens involving the violin bros.
Lo and behold they were taken down by a rat in the bonannos who was initiated proving why the rizzutos wanted nothing to do with the bonannos.
As far as Massino being a rat not being a big deal...fine.
But the Bonanno family as a whole around that time had what a dozen made men or associates cooping with feds.
Smart criminal groups do not bother with inferior OC orgs.