Originally Posted by Tommy2Times

NYMafia yes he had connection but was a foreign boss that tried to take Montreal isnt like in the 1950s while Bonanno sent Galante to Montreal for create a stronghold for drug trafficking.

What doesn't make sense to me is why Montagna would solely try and take over the Rizzuto family without the backing of the Bonanno's, which he was still connected with. Vito was still alive and had many loyal supporters. It would've been better if he just tried to become a liasion between the two families like Sciascia and Joe LoPresti.

Then it shows did the Bonanno family really give two shits about Montagna? Since he was deported and trying to take over the Sixth Family and was killed without any Bonanno retaliation, made me believe they were done with him.

It's a shame since we have this young guy who fast tracked with the Bonanno's to acting boss and getting clipped in Montreal with nobody caring about it.[/quote]

Tommy2Times is what im trying to say: he was alone when tried to take Montrral and even if should be backed by Bonannos,the times are changed.