Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Albanians are like Southern Italians and Greeks, so they're most definitely white imho.
Adding to this, there are a lot of Serb and Montenegrin people that are just as "Mediterranean" looking as Albanians are. So to say that for instance Yugoslavians are "white" and Albanians aren't, doesn't really make sense afaic.

Of course, to the average Stormfront commenter who's of Celtic-Germanic stock, Albanians won't be regarded as "white" but to them even Southern Italians and Greeks aren't white.

Where I live, there are quite a few Albanian people and in all truthfulness I can say that the vast majority of them - like the vast majority of Italians, Greeks, Turks, Kurds, Moroccans, etc... over here as well - are hard working people with a very strong sense of business. Of course there's Albanian organized crime, but they're a minority and don't cause trouble for the average person.

For instance, a friend of mine, who has origins in Kosovo, got his higher education, has a good job in the sales department and on top of this he runs his own taxi company during the weekend as well.

It always cracks me up when some local "white" guy over here is complaining about "those damn Moroccans bleeding our welfare dry! " when he himself stopped working full time when he was only 36 because of some bullshit "lower back pains" LOL.

Anyway, this is a forum to discuss organized crime and I don't see the point of turning this into a discussion board on race relations.

What I will say is this; I will ALWAYS respect a man when I feel he is deserving of getting respect...whether he's White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern or Polynesian...Christian, Jewish or Muslim...a person's ethnic background or his religion won't play a factor in whether I'm going to like and respect that person or not.
If anyone else feels different about this...well, I'm not going to be able to change someone else's opinion and I don't see use in trying to, but this is the way I view things and that's not going to change.

Totally agree with your stand-point, bringing up politics, race and history is useless to a forum like this, let's try to keep is as straight as possible and not deviate from the main topic which is Albanian OC where there is plenty to talk about.