Jason Statham and Guy Ritchie reunite and all is right in the world. WRATH OF MAN follows Patrick Hill (Statham) or H as he'll annoyingly be referred to in the film, a cash truck delivery courier who seeks to find the people responsible for his sons murder. The film opens with said robbery, followed soon thereafter by a Bond-esque opening title. Statham plays the role of H wonderfully, emotionless yet not robotic as you can clearly see there's malicious intent behind those big, bulging eyes of his. Statham is one of, if not the best action hero working today besides The Rock, and he single-handedly carries this film. Without his star power, this is easily a VOD title. He's always clam, cool, collect, and suave. Outside of his performance, everyone else's (with the exception of Josh Hartnett) are phoned in. It's tragic to see Hartnett's star fall so much to this testosterone/frat boy, prototypical, wannabe alpha male. About halfway through this film splinters into 2 separate stories that come together nicely at the end. A good, but not great action film. Worthy of your time and viewing. Definitely superior to Ritchie's previous outing, THE GENTLEMEN. 6.5/10