Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Lana
At Carlo and Connie's wedding -
Michael goes on “He's a good lawyer not a Sicilian but I think he's gonna be consiglieri”

This is actually a very revealing bit of dialog because it reflects that Michael was not in the Family business at that time--even said (after the bandleader story), "That's my family, Kay, it's not me." "He's a good lawyer" is Michael's opinion of Tom's professional qualities--Michael, the former and about-to-be returning college student at that point. "Not a Sicilian, but I think he's gonna be consigliere" is Michael, the family outsider, reflecting on a decision his father will make that has nothing to do with him
It was interesting “very revealing bit of dialog” but I wouldn't say it was a scoop! though because whoelse? could be the Consiglieri There were no other contenders!

Michael also knew about the band leader story then again that was no scoop either even Woltz had heard that story!