Michael B. Jordan stars as John Kelly, a NAVY Seal who, along with his team, is tasked to extract a CIA asset in Allepo, Syria. The mission goes according to plan until Kelly realizes the hostiles they've taken out are Russian, not Syrian forces while rummaging through one of the dead assailants pockets. Having completed his mission and tour, Kelly heads back home to his 9-month pregnant wife. He isn't afforded much R&R until his team are hunted down one-by-one. In Kelly's case, they were only able to kill his wife, however, he was able to kill all of the intruders save for one. That puts Kelly on his mission to find the missing person and kill them; however, other players within the U.S. government are secretly using these attacks as a way to restart the Cold War. Overall, this is a disappointing film. Jordan's much better than this. He has a few action-centric one liners that come off as forced. Sprinkle in a bit of SJW virtue signaling about how African-Americans "fight for a country that doesn't love them back," and you've checked the woke crowd box (along with other "marginalized people" who are represented in this film in positions of authority). The action scenes are sloppy and that's by design to give it a more "gritty" style, but it fails in that endeavor and is nothing more than 2 people rolling around on the floor. Furthermore, the story wasn't enticing enough to hold my interest for the full 1 hour and 50 minutes and the reveal of the conspirator was obvious, as the person cast in that role typically is typecast for just that purpose. A pass even on Amazon Prime. 5.5/10