A loan shark considered by police and criminal sources to be close to individuals linked to Montreal organized crime, Louis Brissette, has died in a road collision in the Cancun area, Mexico few weeks ago.

Louis Brissette, nicknamed Gros Louis, who had just turned 42, had been in Mexico for some time now.

The police observed him in the company of a clan leader of the Montreal mafia, other important individuals of organized crime and a businessman, before the sacked establishments were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic a year ago.

During the Magot-Mastiff investigation, by which the Sûreté du Québec beheaded a motorcycle-mafia-gang alliance that led Montreal organized crime in November 2015, the police observed Louis Brissette seated at a table with individuals linked to the Hells Angels, including the gang leader Gregory Woolley.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"