As far as I can recall, the only time we saw Fredo treated as an equal was Fredo's attendance at Sollozo's meeting

Fredo sitting on the curb, fumbling with his gun, crying “I can't -- I can't -- Papa!! after Vito was shot unable to even go to the wounded and fallen Vito's assistance [even if Fredo assumed Vito was dead] showed Fredo could never be Mafia let alone....

Why would Fredo carry a gun? I don't think Sonny did otherwise Sonny would have shot Carlo not just beat Carlo up!

Poor Fredo copped it from every one – Vito, Carmela, Sonny, Michael, Greene, Deanna

Whilst Fredo was not of Corleone calibre Fredo did himself no favours either
1. drunk at Carlo and Connie's wedding
2. banging cocktail waitresses two at a time
3. getting slapped around in public by Greene
4. keep taking sides against the family
5. lying to Michael
6. withholding information from Michael during the Senate hearing