Their were 4 Eboli brothers that I know of. Thomas (Tommy Ryan) of course and his brother Pasquale (Patsy Ryan). But they had two other hoodlum brothers as well; John and Ralph Eboli. The last two were never made to the best of my knowledge, nonetheless they were connected to the Genovese crew and their brothers. They lived on LI at that time.

Tommy's son Louie ended up in Chicago because if I'm not mistaken Tommy's first wife (Louie's mother) was either born or ended up in Chicago after she and Tommy split up. So their son Louie grew up in that area with his mom and was in reality a Chicagoan.

Of course he maintained a relationship with his dad also growing up and emulated him. So when the time came for him to pick a vocation, you know what direction he went in.

Tommy reached out to Tony Accardo, Sam Giancana, or whoever else he had to, and requested that they 'make' his son into their crew and place him in a safe place within the structure.

And THAT'S how the kid ended up with the Chicago mob (to the very best of my knowledge and understanding of the situation).