Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Exactly. Michael Franzese is a very intelligent guy, a great speaker and he made tons and tons of money as a wiseguy - but I don't believe for a second that he didn't rat. He's a 100% stoolie and his YouTube channel is a hustle. Why do you think he shows up everywhere? Publicity. All of his interviews with that dolt DJ Vlad? Publicity. He's just hustling and his "born again Christian" stuff is a shtick.

Yes Joke. I agree with you 100%. I have a funny story about Michael. About 10 or so years ago my old man called me up and told me that some former mobster was gonna speak at a church in this little hick town sout of me called Elwood, IL. So me and the old man decided to go. Michael was charging like 10 bucks per ticket and about 40 people showed up. Me and the old man are pretty dark swarthy Italians and we were sticking out like a sore thumb among all of these farmers and small town hick folks. I swear Michael's old mob instincts were kicking in because he stared at us off and on through the entire speech. He knew we were out of place. Afterwards, Michael was signing autographs and talking to people one on one. I must say he was a very nice guy and took the time to talk with everyone. But he did say to us "Man you and your dad remind me of people back home. I was getting a little nervous!" And we laughed and went on our merry way. But that was fucking hilarious.