Greg Scarpa sided with the Gallos during the Gallo/Profaci War and there's no mention of Roy from his camp during that period. Besides, Joe Gallo was in jail from '61-'71 and Roy hooked up with Nino in '66 so there wouldn't have been much opportunity for Roy to be running with the Galllo's. Roy grew up in the Flatlands, on Ave P., less than ten blocks from the Gemini Lounge. Between 1960 and '66 he quit working at the Meat Cutters and was Shylocking full time and beginning to deal in stolen cars. This brought him over to the junkyards on Foster Ave. and Glenwood Rd. where he connected with Freddy DiNome who brought him into the Lucchese's through his brother Richie. The image on the cover of "For the Sins of My Father" is of Roy during this period with his new car, a benchmark of his success at loansharking.