Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Galassi70
I liked it.the LA family is intesting cause of really wasted potential
California families should have had imported guys.from the old country
To add strength to.the rank.and file

Operating within a state such as Cali that had such a small Italian populous, they were always challenged for recruits. If it weren't for out of state imports, the Dragna's would have been hard pressed to build a crew in the first place.

I read that the L.A. police would threaten wiseguys from back east who came into L.A.. Telling them we know who you are, we will be watching you, etc. I guess that must have put a damper on at least some of the guys who wanted to do business in California.

So the L.A. family can deeply bribe the police like in the east coast? Damn if the police warm the wiseguys its normal that the family can replace the ranks.