Originally Posted by thecooler

I'm the guy behind the Mafia Rat Trap articles that first identified Lombardozzi and those other informers. Everything I've written is sourced from FBI intelligence reports. I'm interested in the truth, so if I've included a factual error that impacts my conclusions, I'll correct the record.
Best regards Ed

I think you over reached, no insult meant, you do a lot of research on your site. Lombarrdozzi may have spoken to a person in his crew or immediate family like a brother and they may have passed info along. If he was an informer they would not have been hounding him and leaking news stories about him the last years of his life, or have kept bringing cases against him. I also don't see how the FBI would not protect an actual informer. If they placed an item in there that blatantly states him as a rat, then it was to sabotage him by leaking it later.