This fella on here (I won't even bother naming him anymore because he's completely delusional, and must have been really abused somewhere along the line for him to have such a skewed view of the world), just throws out random, wild accusations that have no real value, and are not based in any real fact or common sense.

He's a rabble rouser. Or tries to be anyway.

Ianniello, DiBernardo, Brocchini, etc., etc., never dealt in that type of stuff (I bet my bottom dollar on it). Were there guys who did? certainly!.

Possibly a DeMeo, or a few other independents.

Believe it or not, most of these fellas did have a measure of scruples (hard as that may be for a few on here to believe). They had wives, children, moms and dads.

Porno is one thing. Raunchy porno was even a 'thing'......but that real DG stuff was mostly 'out of bounds' for most of these guys.

The guy who makes these stupid, ridiculous allegations, (in reality), never met a REAL wiseguy in his entire life. Lol.... Truth be told, he wouldn't know a wiseguy if the guy walked up to him and bit him in the ass! Yet, he talks shit constantly, like he really is in the know.

Prostitution, Pornography, Gay-bars, Titty and full-nude juice bars, etc, etc. The did ALL of that! But 'child pornography'?? thats a WHOLE different ballgame for the vast majority of wiseguys. NO self-respecting goodfella is gonna fuck around with that sort of trash.

And THIS I know 'first hand'..... it takes a real low-life to deal in that. And despite what this particular poster says (and would want us to believe), its really not that way