Captured Vincenzo Ciriello , a 60-year-old Neapolitan considered a prominent member of the Mazzarella clan, inserted by the Ministry of the Interior in the list of dangerous fugitives. Ciriello - known as “o'zullus” - was captured in France by the National Fugitives Research Brigade, on input from the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Naples.

The military gave their French colleagues specific indications regarding the location of the subject, as part of a detailed investigation coordinated by the magistrates of the Naples Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate. Ciriello was arrested in Avignon. He is now in prison, awaiting the extradition order. Ciriello worked in his brother's pizzeria.

Vincenzo Ciriello was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The Mazzarella and Montescuro groups who had business aims in the port of Naples were involved in the process.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"