Just spit balling here after a good discussion with some colleagues at the office ...

Charges haven't been dropped ... but stayed. The crown can bring new charges within a year that must not be based on the evidence brought into question

My local sources tell me that there were dozens of construction companies, real estate agents, mortgage brokers etc. involved helping to move the money ... note that they were NOT in the original charge and many more charges were pending as a result of spin off investigations

It was suggested by a lawyer in our office that perhaps, just perhaps, the crown didn't argue the motion at this time as it would have either jeopardized parallel investigations or tipped their hand and prejudiced other investigations... so better to not argue the motion, take the stay and have confidence in the findings of the parallel investigations .....

If information gathered by investigators at CRA or YRP determine a Figliomeni relationship with a real estate agent for example ... charges against that agent can proceed as can any NEW CHARGES against Figliomeni so long as the evidence used to bring the agent into suspicion was not collected improperly ...

Normally when there is evidence of improper data collection, THAT evidence gained from that illegal intercept is excluded, NOT ALL OTHER EVIDENCE. I'm sure more will come out in the coming days and weeks.

So they have options ... Personally, I think the Crown bought themselves a year... if we so no new charges filed and no new against brand new defendants, safe to say, that clan got the MULLIGAN of their life.

I'll choose to wait.