Originally Posted by McCully11
Maurice Hudson

? Is he part of the network of cops 👮‍♂️, bikers and the government? Is it part of Nambla, Hollywood North?

I’ve never really spent much time in Toronto, but I heard it was the first place homosexuals could get married legally, and that they whole city is painted in GLAAD colors. It’s like what Frank Cali was accused of being by that sociopath, being the leader of the world pedophile ring. Which is insane to actually hear lol

When, it would appear that in reality, the more probable breeding ground for that, is Canada, specifically Ontario and Quebec, but who can you get to acknowledge even the possibility of it being plausible?

Yves Trudeau, who was a feared HA hit man from Quebec, was basically enable to molest young buys via the RCMP

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 02/20/21 08:38 AM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.