Originally Posted by The Last Woltz
But that was the whole point of the perjury trap: Give Michael the opportunity to tell easy lies under oath and then produce a surprise witness to contradict him
I don't disagree the senate committee's strategy for Michael's perjury trap was “giving Michael the opportunity to tell easy lies under oath” Are you?! You deny this?! Is it true?! ie: enough rope to hang himself

The committee was obviously banking on their surprise star witness who has had no buffer between Michael and himself, corroborating the committee's nefarious charges [murder, crime empire, control of all the gambling and a lot more!] against Michael - It's up to five counts of perjury

However all the perjury trap ended up pointless with the committee's star witness not contradicting Michael and the sworn affidavit not worth the paper it was sworn on - All because the chairman was goaded into “the dumbest move in the all of GF2” telling Michael of their additional witness