with gerry anguilo he didnt buy his button. he went straight to ray sr in providence after lombardo shut down all mafia backed gambling operation because of the senate hearings in the 50tys and said he had problems with made guys because lombardo wasnt protecting him anymore so he was free game so he solved his problem going direct to the boss. eventually ray proposed him and his best friend peter limone then the rest of his brothers. the buy his button came from the fbi to belittled him because he talked tons of shit about the fbi. there tons of tapes of gerry and ray in his office talking about all types of inductions and people who where proposed i even think they talked about the guy scalise selling buttons that would have been akward. once gerry went to ray he had free reign over boston and no other guy could say shit. think that was a smart decision

Last edited by pmac; 02/06/21 09:42 AM.