Organized crime and senior or members over 40, is a key element for having a criminal group most organized.
Men below 40 in charge will act differently if they are the top earners of a criminal group.
But if you have men in the same group over 40 and making money, the group will be more organized, and the young members will act differently.
In Chicago for exemple, the young ones are acting wild, because there is not enough OGs in the street that make that kind of money, to make the young ones to stay in lanes.
While, in Montreal for exemple, the violence between gangs is at his low since decades. And one of the reasons, is that you got OGs over 40 that make money, and also make the young ones make money. So, when shooting are going bad, some OGs with a rep, will intervene.

***yes, we all know, the violence in canada is different than the US.
But OGs are important