Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Not true Louie. Yes, of course there were enough guys who came from abject poverty. In fact that was the initial spark that ignited their desire to better themselves at any cost.

And many were stone killers, or at least capable of it if required. And while coming up they "worked" as required to attain "position." In fact as young fledgling hoods in the neighborhood many came to the attention of the neighborhood wiseguys by being rough and tumble kids. But if and when they were finally approached and befriended by a goodfella, they showed proper decorum and fell right in line ASAP.

Those who didn't were almost immediately kicked to the curb as the jerkoffs they were.

The Cuckoo birds and screwballs NEVER lasted, no matter how "tough", rough, or street savvy you think they were or they thought they were. Even those willing to roll up their sleeves and commit whatever violent acts were required by the hierarchies.

If they wouldn't listen. If they were uncontrollable such as a Borello is. No level-headed self-respecting mafioso, or smart racket guy wanted guys like that around him. They may use a jerk off like a Borello as a "crash dummy" to perform some low level shit once or twice. With the request typically transmitted through a second or third party. But they would never accept a guy like that into their confidence, let alone their inner circle.

And because of the very nature of the beast, these type of popcorns usually ended up bad. Nearly all of them. Regardless of what neighborhood or city they came from.

Cosa Nostra was, and is, all about respect. You have NO idea just how important that particular word is! Respect carries the day. Italian wiseguys are big on respect. The slightest little eyebrow raised when they talk. Or if you show disinterest or half ignore their words or dictates. Thats enough to get you "chased." Or worse.

Especially years back when the old-timers were still around during the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s era.....

There is no question, nor two ways about it!

Have guys made "mistakes"... which is what they call it when they bring a guy like that around them. A "mistake." Yes of course, it has happened in life same as anything else. Nobody has perfect judgment. But when they realized their mistake, it was quickly corrected.

Those who didn't, usually paid a heavy price.
***Case in point. I just posted up a bio on "Jimmy Red" Caserta, where I talk about a whacky kid named Mikey Burns Granello from Mulberry Street who got clipped for being a disrespectful jerk off. And his father was a top guy no less, a made guy named Sally Burns.

They ended up clipping both father and son for the sons indiscretions.

A Borello is a nobody. Imagine what they'd do to him in the old days? Lol .... don't make me laugh

They clipped Sally Burns and his son because Sally Burns brought Herb Itkin around who was an informant and got leaders of the Genovese,Lucchese and Pittsburgh families indicted.NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SON.....So many guys didnt listen to wiseguys until they were gonna be murdered..so many would rob card games and disrespect wiseguys every chance they got...they were thieves that were forced to join..Sonny Black only joined because he didnt have a choice...they just didnt wanna be rolled up in linolium and taped up with water proof tape... AND Genie boy Borello made good money...He was making 5-10k a week plus making big money from scores..Theyre Gangsters .....AND Joey Merlino has this guy around cause he has connections to the bonnanos, he was under Gene Borello and his Uncle is "Cafe Joe" a Skipper in the Lucchese Family

There is some truth to what you say about Sally Granello being in the hot seat and losing favor because of those pension fund loans indictments. But Granello bought the farm because he threatened the guys who clipped his son. THAT is a fact!

The rest of what you've just said is all drivel. That medley of "info" you've just spouted out is so convoluted with twisted statements and outright misinformation that it's not even worth responding to. I wouldn't even know where to start. Which "string of mistakes" to address first. You are completely out of the loop on about 10 points.

To follow up on this.... Are you going to touch on the fact that Sally Burns was a convicted Child Molester yet they still made him a “man of honor” and wasn’t killed for that but because he brought Herb Itkin around which was confirmed by Alphonse D’Arco the former Acting boss of the Lucchese Family and the most credible mob witness in history????

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn