Originally Posted by Lenox
Borello likes to say- “ I was violent and didnt care “... I think he stole that line from Jack the Ripper.
That sounds like a recipe for success. Not...
To be fair, the kid had balls and made money but the way he did it was straight up gangbanger shit. I dont see Borello infiltrating the construction industry any time soon.
I do think the kid has some childhood issues, no doubt. Same with Alite.

Both him and Alite were brutal thugs lol. Alite plead guilty to six murders but he definitely killed more people like Charles Carnesi said. The fact that the government made this deal with him is absolutely unbelievable.

No gene couldn't infiltrate any industry haha. Gene's IQ is too low. He did make quite a bit of money robbing people, but I don't believe he ever got anywhere near seven figures. That kid had balls, definitely. The only reason people feared Ronnie G was because of Gene's psycho ass. That's just a fact.